This is a Specialist Clinical Technique that uses ‘bi-lateral stimulation’ to allow the brain to fully process ‘stuck,’ unprocessed accumulation of Low-Level Traumas, Life Issues, or High-Level Trauma/ PTSD. Patterns, issues and/or behaviours that cause distress, ‘triggering’ and the ‘fight or flight’ response, can be processed and the ‘fight or flight’ response calmed. EMDR is used to treat issues such as: Anxiety, Stress, Sleep, Lack of Motivation, Depression, Pain, Bereavement, Abuse, Bullying, Phobias, Trust Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Addiction, Eating/Food/Weight Issues, Fears, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Anger, Guilt and Shame etc.
It is not necessary for you to disclose the issue itself, if it is too distressing; indeed, you may be unaware of what has caused your ‘symptoms.’

Note: This technique is not suitable for those under the age of seven years. Please discuss for options.

Sessions equate to four or five on average, with ten being the usual maximum.

£100 per session (One and a half to two hours)


Clinical hypnotherapy is not ‘stage’ hypnotherapy. No one is going to ask you to go down on all fours and bark like a dog! Clinical hypnotherapy is founded in science-based research and it is used to gently encourage the mind to let go of issues that cause distress, using positive description. Your issue may be sleep but will present differently for you than for someone else. Therefore, your script will be written appertaining entirely to your issue, therefore how it presents for you.

Clinical hypnotherapy can be used as it is, or it can also be used in combination with NLP & other techniques, for extra consolidation. You are not in a deep coma like state, you are in light hypnosis as if you had ‘zoned out’ whilst reading or watching television. You can hear, open your eyes, move, and you are at all times, in control. It is a fact that our subconscious is listening all the time. This is why advertising works and you are wide-awake!

Hypnotherapy is no different. It is used to treat Phobias, such as Fear of the Dentist, Smoking Cessation, Addictions, Sleep Issues, Anxiety, Pain, Depression, Weight, Self-Confidence & Assertiveness Issues, Stress, High blood Pressure etc.

Note: Not suitable for those under the age of seven years or those with a psychiatric condition, or illness.

£65 per session (One hour)


This uses various strategies and techniques for training the mind into new ways of thinking and behaving. These techniques seek to move you out of unwanted behaviours and issues, towards the changes you feel you need.

Techniques can be used for many of the issues, such as fear-based issues, pain, etc. and others such as Public Speaking.

£50 per session (One and a half hours)

‘It is your time to heal’

Begin your, or your child’s journey.