1, Burnt House Lane, Stubbington, Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2LF


07917 333529

Send a Private Message

Please send a brief message through this contact form and I will reply as quickly as possible.


I offer a FREE initial 20 minute consultation.


Email me with a brief summary and any questions you wish to ask, or to book your free consultation. Alternatively, text or ring me. If I am unable to talk, I will ring you back if you leave a message.


I will answer your email and we can arrange your 20 minutes conversation. After your FREE Consultation, if all seems appropriate, we can book a DETAILED Consultation, either face-to-face, or online.

This is more in-depth and looks at what treatments may support you, your child or young person the best and where to start.


You pay £40 for the DETAILED Consultation in advance. You can pay for this via the link below. And then we begin.

Please note: The button above will open PayPal in a new window. My PayPal account is the name ‘Serena Pead’. You will also need to select GBP as the currency from the drop-down to pay in £’s.



Remote / Online Consultation

Video call using Skype or Facetime – 90 mins.

For those choosing remote treatments, I can send the Detailed Consultation form via email for you to complete and then discuss, or complete this via Skype/Face Time. The charge is the same.

Face to Face Consultation

Many people feel that they want to meet me and speak privately, away from home about their deepest feelings and issues. You come to a safe, peaceful environment to speak your truth – 90 mins

Home Visits

Home Visits are available in exceptional circumstances with travel cost added into the Consultation fee.


For those choosing remote treatments, I can send the Detailed Consultation form via email for you to complete and then discuss, or complete this via Skype/Face Time. The charge is the same.

The Consultation form for a remote, or indeed face-to-face treatment, can be completed by another/carer etc. I will still need Consent from the person needing support. They will need to counter-sign the Consultation form to validate the information recorded, unless capacity precludes this or age/Gillick Competency. Please contact to discuss in this circumstance.


You will need to let me know that the payment has been made, so that I can confirm your booking. Prompt payment will ensure that you do not lose your session.

You can also return to the website to pay in advance for further treatments after a date and time for your session has been agreed.

Please note: The button above will open PayPal in a new window. My PayPal account is the name ‘Serena Pead’. You will also need to select GBP as the currency from the drop-down to pay in £’s.



  • I may be able to help you or your child and will always do my best but ultimately your, or your child’s body, will tell me what you need.
  • Everyone is different & therefore everyone takes ‘their’ own time to effect change. Results may vary accordingly.
  • I am guided by you.
  • If I am not the right person, or a different therapy such as psychotherapy is needed, I will signpost.
  • I will keep you fully informed of our work together as it progresses.
  • I will endeavour to support you to make change and therefore to support you to understand aspects of your role, in your change.
  • I hope that from the information provided, that you feel secure in my commitment to do my best for you, or your child, knowing that I have always sought to help and indeed heal others, as a life purpose.
  • I will do my utmost to make you feel safe at all times.
  • I uphold client confidentiality. This means that information provided in consultation and sessions is treated with the strictest confidence, unless safeguarding protocols preclude this.
  • I will keep you informed of terms of business and changes within ‘Well-being for Adults and Children’ in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).


  • You understand that results may vary, or take time for change.
  • You are fully aware that you are part of the commitment to this process of change and accept your positive role and responsibility in promoting your change.
  • Any homework provided is not compulsory but will seek to aid change.
  • You agree to keep me informed of any changes in your medication, or health/physical condition.
  • We will agree on times and dates for sessions together. 48 hours notice is required, to reschedule a set appointment time.
  • You pay in advance, as promptly as possible, prior to 48 hours of your treatment, so that your session can be secured and are aware that lack of payment can mean a loss of session to another.
  • No shows or cancellations within 48 hrs, will not be refunded.