Chirokinetic therapy or CKT is a form of kinesiology. It works via muscle testing to access the subconscious mind, find the root cause/s of physical, emotional and psychological issues/pain and address them. Originally developed as a way of testing for allergies using muscle testing to give a strong, or weak response to the allergen. This technique involves the client relaxing, fully clothed, whilst the practitioner treats.


This is used to heal specific Negative/Core beliefs, which may have arisen in childhood, or from trauma, replacing them with positive beliefs. I call it mini EMDR! You may find it intriguing and fun as you may get to hold the two halves of your brain, metaphorically speaking, one in each hand!

£40 per session (One hour)


Chirokinetic Therapy & PSYCH – K are used to treat underlying beliefs and issues affecting abundance, appertaining to work, money and love. Core beliefs may relate to self-worth, deserving, love and creativity. The aim is to remove blocks and move you forward as fast as possible.

£45 per session (One and a half hours)


Emotional Freedom Technique involves ‘tapping’ on energy meridian points located around the body to release issues of many kinds.


£50 per session (One and a half hours)


Here you learn how to breathe, relax and become ‘Present’ in the ‘Now’ via techniques based in Meditation. Mindfulness promotes Relaxation of the body and mind, Stress Management and Pain Relief. Mindfulness can release Tension, Pain, Anxiety and Depression, lower Blood Pressure, strengthen the Immune System, Heart and Lungs, improve Posture, boost Energy Levels, promote Calmness, aid Concentration, Sleep etc.

Techniques can be incorporated into a treatment, or taught as a session. Anything that draws us out of our worry and promotes relaxation has to be good!

£30 per session (One hour)


During Reiki the hands are placed on, or above the body. The hands are then ‘guided’ to where needed. This can release or ‘pull-out’ Emotion and Pain, Issues or Trauma and may clear emotional and psychological blocks. Reiki can promote deep Relaxation, Sleep and Emotional Balance.

‘It is your time to heal’

Begin your, or your child’s journey.


Some treatments can be delivered remotely. These consist of Kinesiology and Reiki/Energy healing. This means that I can treat the client without having them present. This is particularly useful if the person is too ill, confined to bed or too young to attend etc. The treatments work just as well remotely.

Please contact me, or ring to discuss