In Reiki, the hands are placed on, or above the body. The hands are then ‘guided’ to where needed. This can release or ‘pull-out’ Emotion and Pain, Issues or Trauma and may clear emotional and psychological blocks. Reiki can promote deep Relaxation, Sleep and Emotional Balance.

Used in palliative care, it can help teach self-regulation and the safe release of fears or trauma, or anger without counselling. Reiki be helpful with a wide variety of physical and emotional ailments.

Note: Reiki can also be ‘given’ or ‘sent’ remotely for those too ill or young to attend. PLEASE SEE REMOTE TREATMENT BELOW.

£40 per session (One and a half hours)

‘It is your time to heal’

Begin your, or your child’s journey.


Reiki or energy healing can be delivered remotely. This means that I can treat the client without having them present. This is particularly useful if the person is too ill, confined to bed or too young to attend etc. The treatments work just as well remotely.

Please contact me, or ring to discuss