As noted, my background lies in teaching, Children’s Services and’ Holistic’ or Complementary Therapy. The ‘holistic’ side of work, so looking at the person or body as a ‘whole,’ has been essential in every single role. The mind, body link has long been cited in the medical world. Stress, whether internal or external, will as we know affect the mind and the body. Pain, issues and trauma are ‘held’ on all levels of the ‘being.’ Each person is uniquely different and each person carries and holds their ‘pain’ in different places.

Therefore, how can you split the mind and body? How can we possibly solve the ‘symptoms’ without tackling the cause/s? How can we not work in any way but holistically?

As we are aware, conventional allopathic medicine seeks to take the pain away by medicating but this often ‘masks’ the cause. It can bypass and fail to look deeper and beg the questions… When? Where? What? Why?

We may ask ourselves, Why am I in such pain? When did it start? What caused it? Where did my health and happiness go? Why does my medication not ‘heal’ it/take my pain away? Why am I so sad, angry etc.? Why do I feel that I am only half living?

Believe me, I have asked many of these questions myself. I did not find the answers in traditional medicine and medicating. I found the answers within my own mind and body and the ‘holistic’ therapies that accessed my body and mind, to ‘relieve’ and release, my own trauma related issues and pain.

‘Your body knows the answers’

I truly believe this.

My body gave me the answers to life-long symptoms that had a hold over my life every single day. I felt totally controlled by my symptoms, that I was not really living, it was just half a life. I was deeply constrained and controlled by my trauma playing out years after the initial trauma had taken place…until finally my body began to tell me the answers* and the pain unraveled.

‘Seek joy, seek happiness… peace’

I found the answers that worked for me. They can work for you also.

*NOTE: It is not necessary to know your issue/s underlying source. It is unnecessary to take you back into your trauma, or for you to remember if you do not know why you have your issues. You will still be able to heal and ‘release’ your ‘pain.’