I am aware that some may find the following difficult, or upsetting to read.

However, I have written these words that they should be known, in the hope that they will lift the ‘veil of recognition, understanding and indeed silence’ to many, and give hope that trauma not just as this but of ANY kind, CAN be ‘removed’ or ‘released’ from the mind, body, spirit and indeed soul.

On reading, we also need to remember that other issues, both physical and psychological, can cause such symptoms also. However, any or some of the below are deemed ‘indicators.’

There was a little girl fraught with shyness and insecurities, who ground her teeth relentlessly at night and spoke in her sleep. She was lively, loved her interests and other childhood joys but for as long as she could remember, she struggled to eat and drink and felt huge anxiety surrounding this in any situation. Alone, going out, staying over at friends, eating at the dinner table, being away from home, were agonising and exhausting in this respect.

She could not swallow consecutively at all to drink. She ate excruciatingly slowly, chewed relentlessly, spitting out and dribbling food and drink. She would leave the dinner table, or meal exhausted, having on many occasions, when not being able to swallow at all, eaten nothing and left starving and thirsty. For the most part, she had no appetite. The anxiety and shame grew as others shamed her. She was accused of being anorexic, yet just simply struggled to swallow. There was fear, huge fear of choking and no obvious reason as to why. She often wished she could bypass her throat and learnt strategies to deflect others from her issues.

Barium meal tests, where she failed swallow at the appointed time and a nose and throat investigation, found no abnormalities….and that was that! No help, no intervention, no support from the medical world.

When she hit adolescence, her menstruation caused her to double up in pain and feel ‘a well’ of deep grief and ‘below this’ anger that she could not quantify. There was the attached paranoia and low self-esteem. Every month into adult-hood, she did not wish to talk, to face others, to eat, to drink and felt suicidal at this time. At night, she was hyper-vigilant, therefore sleep was poor and this went on to affect relationships, as every move or sound would wake her. Her teeth smashed with the grinding. For two weeks every month, her legs refused to work and ached as if she had the flu. There was a cycle of deep exhaustion, possible undiagnosed PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder). Years of dental work, tortured by dental pain and acute fear of the dentist, were followed by years of migraines involving sickness and total body shut down. At college she realised she was numb between her legs one side. Her neck and back pain became worse and it was only when she could not toilet properly, she learnt that the years of numbness between her legs were due to her back misalignment. Her whole body that had shortened on one side and ‘turned in.’ A sacral cranial therapist later told her, that this ‘turning in’ of the body, was normal in cases where the body tries to protect itself.

In her love relationships, she subconsciously sought men primarily that she could trust. She could not bear control. She drew ‘friends’ towards her in her love relationships. She never married, or had children. It was her repeating cycle, as were the patterns of being bullied in her jobs, her inability to stand up for herself in such situations although she could for others, to speak at her monthly time, of betrayal, an inability to be heard when it really mattered, dissociating from ‘abusive’ situations. Her triggers became more obvious over time.

Over the years, she searched out help for her ‘swallowing’ disorder. She tried three hypnotherapists but her mind would not let them in. The first hypnotherapist gave her ‘You can heal your life’ by Louise L Hay…. and the healing journey began. She read, she trained, she learnt and finally when she and her body was ready, she revealed…… and as she practiced her therapeutic skills, the trauma began to leave her body.


This is my story. My trauma had been ‘blanked, ’I had dissociated from it. I had no memories and did not know why I had an ‘eating disorder’ and other symptoms. It was not until I trained in kinesiology that my body was adamant I needed psychotherapy. Alongside this, I was treating myself with kinesiology and both revealed that I had been sexually abused from a baby. Everything made sense, but I could not believe it. Not long after, it was proven.*

I did not realise until this point, that the body can completely blank trauma and that this is in fact very common. It is the brains method of protection from a breakdown.

For wanting to leave this world, I was referred to Adult Mental Health. A year later, a CAT group (Cognitive Analytical Therapy), was not what my body needed for trauma. Psychotherapy had been the ‘deep support’ needed, but my psychotherapist had moved.

I therefore took over all of my ‘therapy’ and continued to treat myself with kinesiology; this is when the proof came.

My core aids to releasing my own trauma alongside psychotherapy was kinesiology. Since psychotherapy ending, these have been kinesiology, Reiki/energy healing and EMDR. The trauma was deeply held in the body, I ‘felt’ nothing. I could not cry. The Reiki/Energy healing cut through the subconscious block. This has helped me release physical, emotional and psychological pain that has been trapped in my body for nearly fifty years.

Suffice it to say, I wish I had known what I know now, years ago.
The medical world is now informed about the symptoms of sexual abuse.
I wish I could have found the supports, or known the skills I know now and found my freedom sooner… but mine was not to know.

I truly believe that I had to go through this to teach and help to heal others. Regret for not knowing and regret for the past, is not an option. Everything has happened, as it should.

Serena Dalzell

* NOTE: It is not necessary to know your issue/s underlying source. It is unnecessary to take you back into your trauma, or for you to remember if you do not know why you have your issues. You will still be able to heal and ‘release’ your ‘pain.’

‘Set Yourself Free’

Yours or your child’s journey does not have to be like this.
If you are suffering in any way, do not wait until the symptoms become entrenched or worse.
Take back your power from pain….


Safeguarding relates to physical, emotional, psychological abuse such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, rape, child or adult sexual exploitation, trafficking, and preventing extremist indoctrination.

If you or any other are at risk, or in immediate danger, contact the child or adult SOCIAL CARE TEAM/SAFEGUARDING TEAM at your local council.

Call 999 if there is immediate risk, or 101 if you think a crime a has been committed. You do not need to be sure that a child or young person has been abused; it is okay to report a suspicion or general concern. There are also safeguarding ‘Leads’ within schools, who will be able to help.

Support Services may be able to help such as:

  • NSPCC (for adults) 0808 800 5000
  • ChildLine (for children and young people): 0800 1111 (free & should not show on phone bill from landline and most mobile networks)
  • Samaritans 116 123 (free)

For further information go to www.gov.uk