Place greater value on your ‘well-being’

I hope that over time people will begin to place greater value on their physical, emotional and psychological ‘well-being’ than on external appearances. Whilst I totally agree to the value of external factors being a huge part of confidence and therefore mental health, it not the be all and end all, as some may perceive. Yet somehow, we more fixated on our bodily appearance than our bodily well-being. However, we need to be aware, that it is our overall ‘well-being’ that determines who we really are, whom and what we attract, our life opportunities and our choices.

Maybe it is time to start dedicating time and money to more profound and lasting changes to our lives. This is more likely to promote real inner confidence and empowerment, that does not rely on others superficial and visual based representation of who we are.

As all of have heard the words at some point, that it is not what is outside that matters, but what is on the inside. A person should be loved and accepted for who they ‘really’ are. This involves self-expression in ALL modalities and the self-confidence to be who we ‘really’ are. We are also told that we should not look to others for our need to feel validated. Validation comes from inside. Core beliefs regarding ourselves and feelings of self-worth come from within, therefore unless these are strong and positive, we can only gain them via self-analysis, letting go of past beliefs and issues, releasing fear and learning to accept ourselves.

If the above makes sense to you then you will realise that all the nail bars in the world, will not provide you with freedom from ‘pain.’ Equally knowing but no acting, will not help you. Take a conscious step today, to book a FREE CONSULTATION and begin to set yourself free from pain.

‘If you never try... you’ll never know...’

I hope that you feel that what I offer you can begin to make you the person you deserve to be.